In this project we consider platooning as a use case of CAV system for methodology validation. A CAV platoon is a convoy of vehicles travelling at a short distance from one another and cooperation is realized through Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs) exchange via wireless communication. The control of the platoon is realized by means of a control law, which is configured to guarantee inter-vehicle distance and string stability properties. The control law is fed with data read from the sensors and provides instructions (e.g., the longitudinal acceleration) to preserve the platoon properties.
Traditionally, the control law is computed in a distributed fashion, as depicted in the following figure, where each vehicle is responsible for computing its own instruction using on-board data together with those received from other platoon’s vehicles.
Vehicle to vehicle platooning schema
Recently, with the advent of 5G mobile network and edge computing, a centralized control of the platoon has been made possible. As shown in the next figure, each vehicle uploads its data to a centralized controller deployed on edge computing facilities using the mobile network.
Vehicle to edge platooning schema